It can be hard to find good employees – and it can be even harder to keep them well trained. Training & eTracking Solutions is here to help.
We offer more than 150 hours of training courses designed just for health and human service professionals. When you register your employees for these on-demand online courses, you can have them in compliance and ready to work in just a few hours. And even better, pricing can be as low as just a few dollars per training!
In addition, to training on demand, your employees will have the ability to:
Self-register for immediate access to training
Instant feedback on quizzes and courses
Immediate certificates of completion with a passing score
Managers can review employees’ training progress and records
Customize and run your own reports
Print your employees’ course certificates
Putting your employee orientation or professional development trainings online has never been easier. See how we can save your agency time and money!
Here are just some of the courses available for Direct Support Professionals:
The Aging Process for DSPs
Basic First Aid
Basic Food Safety
Bloodborne Pathogens
Communicable Diseases: Identification, Prevention, & Treatment
Communication Skills for DSPs
Defensive Driving for DSPs
Depression: An Introduction to Understanding Depression
Fire and Life Safety
Fundamental Rights of Individuals for DSPs
General Characteristics – An Introduction to working as a DSP
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Individual Planning for DSPs
Infection Control: Universal Precautions and Safety Basics
Influenza Control and Prevention
MRSA: Identification, Prevention, and Treatment
Principles of Behavior Change for DSPs
Promoting Community Integration and Inclusion for DSPs
Safe Lifting for DSPs
Seizure Disorders
Slips, Trips, and Falls for DSPs
Stress Management
Substance Abuse
Supporting Individuals and Families in Making Choices for DSPs
Understanding Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
Understanding Transference and Countertransference
Workplace Violence: Identification and Prevention